farid abdelnour
2014-10-07 20:53:02 UTC
the stabilize isn't appearing as a clip job option.
using kdenlive (0.9.10) mlt (0.9.2) under archlinux 64bit.
could this be a kdenlive bug or an archlinux one?
this is the first time i try to use this option so don't know if it was
there before this update.
1111.1010.r.i.1101|n.o.i.s.1110|i.m.1010.g.1110|Ù ÙاÙÙ Ø©
fsf member #5439
usuario GNU/Linux #471966
<a href="http://www.gunga.com.br">gunga</a>
<a href="http://www.tempoecoarte.com.br">tempoecoarte</a>
<a href="http://www.atelier-labs.org">atelier-labs</a>
<a href="http://www.mocambos.net">rede mocambos</a>
the stabilize isn't appearing as a clip job option.
using kdenlive (0.9.10) mlt (0.9.2) under archlinux 64bit.
could this be a kdenlive bug or an archlinux one?
this is the first time i try to use this option so don't know if it was
there before this update.
1111.1010.r.i.1101|n.o.i.s.1110|i.m.1010.g.1110|Ù ÙاÙÙ Ø©
fsf member #5439
usuario GNU/Linux #471966
<a href="http://www.gunga.com.br">gunga</a>
<a href="http://www.tempoecoarte.com.br">tempoecoarte</a>
<a href="http://www.atelier-labs.org">atelier-labs</a>
<a href="http://www.mocambos.net">rede mocambos</a>