[Kdenlive-devel] possible gui bug: stabilize not appearing under clip jobs
farid abdelnour
2014-10-07 20:53:02 UTC

the stabilize isn't appearing as a clip job option.

using kdenlive (0.9.10) mlt (0.9.2) under archlinux 64bit.

could this be a kdenlive bug or an archlinux one?

this is the first time i try to use this option so don't know if it was
there before this update.
fsf member #5439
usuario GNU/Linux #471966
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Vincent PINON
2014-10-07 21:09:29 UTC
Most probably vid.stab library isn't built for MLT (needs
packaging/build script adjustment)
Post by farid abdelnour
the stabilize isn't appearing as a clip job option.
using kdenlive (0.9.10) mlt (0.9.2) under archlinux 64bit.
could this be a kdenlive bug or an archlinux one?
this is the first time i try to use this option so don't know if it
was there before this update.
Steve Guilford
2014-10-07 21:34:27 UTC
I just did a build using Dan's script which yielded the 0.9.10 release.
VidStab is there as a clip job.
Post by Vincent PINON
Most probably vid.stab library isn't built for MLT (needs
packaging/build script adjustment)
Post by farid abdelnour
the stabilize isn't appearing as a clip job option.
using kdenlive (0.9.10) mlt (0.9.2) under archlinux 64bit.
could this be a kdenlive bug or an archlinux one?
this is the first time i try to use this option so don't know if it
was there before this update.
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Steve Guilford
Evert Vorster
2014-10-08 02:26:42 UTC
Hi there...

A fellow Arch user here.

I have yaourt installed, which makes installing from the AUR a lot
easier. Then I have both mlt-git and kdenlive-git installed, and the
stabilize option is present on my install.

It may very well be an Arch bug with the stable packages. Quite a bit
has changed between 0.9.8 and 0.9.10, as far as stabilization options
goes, at least.

I have not really reported a bug to the Arch devs yet, I'll leave that
hoop-jumping exercize to you. :)

Post by farid abdelnour
the stabilize isn't appearing as a clip job option.
using kdenlive (0.9.10) mlt (0.9.2) under archlinux 64bit.
could this be a kdenlive bug or an archlinux one?
this is the first time i try to use this option so don't know if it was
there before this update.
fsf member #5439
usuario GNU/Linux #471966
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Evert Vorster
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WG Cook
farid abdelnour
2014-10-08 03:10:44 UTC
Post by Evert Vorster
I have not really reported a bug to the Arch devs yet, I'll leave that
hoop-jumping exercize to you. :)
Already did that. Thanks
Post by Evert Vorster
Post by farid abdelnour
the stabilize isn't appearing as a clip job option.
using kdenlive (0.9.10) mlt (0.9.2) under archlinux 64bit.
could this be a kdenlive bug or an archlinux one?
this is the first time i try to use this option so don't know if it was
there before this update.
fsf member #5439
usuario GNU/Linux #471966
<a href="http://www.gunga.com.br">gunga</a>
<a href="http://www.tempoecoarte.com.br">tempoecoarte</a>
<a href="http://www.atelier-labs.org">atelier-labs</a>
<a href="http://www.mocambos.net">rede mocambos</a>
Post by Evert Vorster
Post by farid abdelnour
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Post by Evert Vorster
Post by farid abdelnour
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Evert Vorster
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WG Cook
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Post by Evert Vorster
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farid abdelnour
2014-10-08 21:11:51 UTC
So here is an answer from the packager:

"As I understand mlt's vid.stab module depends on AUR:

Or did I miss it in binary repos?"

They must add vid.stab as a requirement to mlt. Evert, if you could backup
my request, it would help get it in.

Post by farid abdelnour
Post by Evert Vorster
I have not really reported a bug to the Arch devs yet, I'll leave that
hoop-jumping exercize to you. :)
Already did that. Thanks
Post by Evert Vorster
Post by farid abdelnour
the stabilize isn't appearing as a clip job option.
using kdenlive (0.9.10) mlt (0.9.2) under archlinux 64bit.
could this be a kdenlive bug or an archlinux one?
this is the first time i try to use this option so don't know if it was
there before this update.
fsf member #5439
usuario GNU/Linux #471966
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<a href="http://www.mocambos.net">rede mocambos</a>
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Post by farid abdelnour
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Post by farid abdelnour
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Evert Vorster
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WG Cook
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Post by Evert Vorster
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fsf member #5439
usuario GNU/Linux #471966
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